Buying an Apartment in Helsinki: Our Expert Advice


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Embarking on buying an apartment in Helsinki marks the start of an exciting new chapter. The city offers a unique opportunity to plant roots in one of the world’s most livable cities.

Our guide aims to provide a seamless and informative path through the complexities of the Finnish real estate market. We’ll walk you through every step of the process, ensuring you feel confident, informed, and a little bit thrilled about finding your new apartment in Helsinki.


  • Helsinki offers a dynamic real estate market with diverse property types.
  • Budgeting for an apartment includes purchase price and additional costs.
  • Location is key; prioritize needs when choosing a neighborhood.
  • Use English-language resources and hire a real estate agent for property search.
  • Secure financing early by understanding mortgage options and requirements.
  • The apartment buying process involves several legal steps; seek legal advice.
  • After purchasing, set up utilities and personalize your new home.
  • Community engagement enhances the expat living experience in Helsinki.
  • Homeowner responsibilities include maintenance and understanding property laws.

Understanding the Finnish Real Estate Market

Current Trends in Helsinki’s Housing Market

Helsinki, the capital of Finland, is a city where modern urban living meets the serenity of nature. The real estate market here is dynamic, characterized by a steady demand for housing due to the city’s continuous growth and appeal. Apartments in Helsinki cater to a broad spectrum of preferences, from sleek, modern developments in the city center to charming, historic buildings in its more established neighborhoods. Prices vary widely, influenced by location, size, and condition of the property, but generally reflect the high standard of living and the quality of construction in the city.

Types of Properties Available

When exploring the Helsinki housing market, you’ll encounter a variety of property types. The most common include:

Condominiums (Omakotitalo): These are detached single-family homes that offer privacy and space, often located in suburban areas.

Row Houses (Rivitalo): Shared-wall homes that provide a balance between community living and personal space, commonly found in family-friendly neighborhoods.

Apartments (Kerrostalo): These range from studio flats to spacious multi-bedroom units, located in residential buildings throughout the city. They are the most prevalent type of property in Helsinki, especially in the city center and surrounding areas.

Navigating the Market

Finding the right property in Helsinki requires a strategic approach. Start by familiarizing yourself with the market trends and the types of properties available. This knowledge will not only help you make an informed decision but also prepare you for the nuances of the buying process in Finland.

Related: Our guide to the finnish housing market

Steps to Buying an Apartment in Helsinki

buying an apartment in helsinki

Buying an apartment in Helsinki is an exciting venture that requires careful planning and attention to detail.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you navigate the process smoothly and efficiently.

Determining Your Budget

Before diving into the property search, it’s crucial to have a clear understanding of your budget. Consider not only the purchase price but also additional costs such as property taxes, legal fees, and any renovations or furnishings you may need.

Remember, the purchase price is just the beginning. Factor in closing costs, which can include stamp duty, legal fees, and real estate agent fees. These can add up to a significant amount, so it’s important to account for them in your budget.

Finding the Right Location

Helsinki is made up of an array of neighborhoods, each with its own character and charm. From the vibrant city center to the serene outskirts, take the time to explore different areas to find the one that feels like home.

Consider what’s important to you—proximity to work, schools, amenities, or perhaps the peace of the surrounding nature. Helsinki offers a variety of living experiences, so prioritizing your needs will help narrow down your search.

Searching for Properties

Some several English-language websites and platforms list properties for sale in Helsinki. These resources can provide a good starting point for your search, offering insights into current market listings, prices, and neighborhood information.

Engage a Real Estate Agent

Consider hiring a real estate agent who speaks English and understands the needs of foreign buyers. They can offer invaluable assistance, from identifying suitable properties to navigating the legal and financial aspects of the purchase.

Financing Your Purchase

Understand Your Financing Options

If you require financing, research your mortgage options early on. Banks in Finland offer mortgages to foreign residents, but terms and eligibility can vary. It’s advisable to secure a mortgage agreement in principle to know how much you can borrow before making an offer.

Prepare Your Documents

When applying for a mortgage, you’ll need to provide various documents, including proof of income, employment status, and identity. Start gathering these documents early to expedite the process.

Understanding the Buying Process

The property buying process in Finland is straightforward but involves several legal steps. These include signing a preliminary agreement, paying a deposit, and eventually the final deed of sale. Each step requires careful attention to ensure all legal requirements are met.

Seek Legal Advice

It’s highly recommended to hire a legal advisor or solicitor experienced in Finnish real estate law. They can guide you through the process, ensure that all paperwork is correctly handled, and that your interests are protected.

Making an Offer and Closing the Deal

Once you’ve found the apartment that meets your criteria, it’s time to make an offer. Your real estate agent can advise on the offer price, considering the current market conditions and the property’s value.

If your offer is accepted, you’ll move forward with the closing process. This involves signing the final sale agreement and transferring the remaining purchase price. Your legal advisor and real estate agent will guide you through these final steps, leading to the exciting moment when you receive the keys to your new Helsinki home.

Related: Looking for a Loan in Finland for your apartment

After the Purchase

Acquiring property in a new country is a significant achievement, and while the purchase process is complete, there are a few more steps to make your new place truly feel like home.

Setting Up Your New Home

Utilities and Services

One of the first tasks is to set up utilities including water, electricity, and internet services. Finland offers a variety of providers, and many have English-speaking customer service to assist you. Research the best packages and deals that suit your needs and don’t hesitate to reach out for setup assistance.

Personalizing Your Space

Now comes the exciting part – turning the apartment into a space that reflects your personality and style. Whether it involves painting, minor renovations, or simply furnishing and decorating, take your time to make it feel like home. Remember, many Finnish homes are designed with a focus on functionality and minimalism, blending comfort with an elegant aesthetic.

Integrating into the Community

Building a rapport with your neighbors can enrich your living experience. Finns are known for their respect for privacy, but they are friendly and helpful once you make the first move. Attend building meetings if applicable, and don’t hesitate to introduce yourself.

Get to know your local area – from shops and cafes to parks and recreational facilities. Joining local groups or classes can be a great way to meet people and integrate into the Finnish way of life. Helsinki is also known for its vibrant expat community, offering an additional layer of support and friendship.

Property Management and Maintenance

Understanding Homeowner Responsibilities

As a new homeowner, familiarize yourself with your responsibilities, especially if you are part of a housing company (asunto-osakeyhtiö) which is common in Finland. These might include regular maintenance fees, decision-making participation, and community rules adherence.

Finding Reliable Help

For maintenance needs beyond your expertise, it’s useful to have contacts for reliable tradespeople. Your real estate agent or neighbors can often recommend trusted professionals for everything from plumbing to electrical work.

Lastly, remember to update your address if you’re moving into your new apartment.

Additional Resources

  • and These are the most popular platforms for real estate listings in Finland. They offer comprehensive search options, including location, price range, and property type, with many listings available in English.
  • A useful resource for those looking to understand the Finnish real estate market better, offering insights into selling and buying properties.
  • An international real estate agency with a strong presence in Finland, known for its multilingual agents.
  • RE/MAX Finland: Part of the global RE/MAX network, offering services in English and helping foreigners navigate the Finnish property market.
  • Nordea: One of the leading banks in Finland offering mortgage advice and services in English.
  • OP Financial Group: Provides comprehensive banking services, including mortgages for foreigners, with English-speaking advisors available.
  • International House Helsinki: Offers guidance and public authority services for international newcomers in Helsinki, including integration services and information about living in Finland.
  • A platform to find local groups and events with interests ranging from language exchange to outdoor activities, helping you connect with like-minded individuals and other expats.
  • Ikea Finland: Provides affordable furniture and home goods with several locations around Helsinki and an online store with delivery options.
  • K-Rauta and Bauhaus: For DIY enthusiasts and those looking to make improvements to their new home, these stores offer a wide range of home improvement supplies and tools.
  • Finnish for Foreigners (Suomen kielen kursseja ulkomaalaisille): Various institutions offer language courses, including the University of Helsinki and adult education centers (työväenopisto).
  • Duolingo and Babbel: These apps offer Finnish language courses that can help you get started with the basics or improve your existing skills.

ABOUT Frederik

Since 2013, Frederik has been living the expat dream, acquiring a deep understanding of what it means to adapt to life in a foreign country. His expertise is now a key feature of, where he offers guidance and support to expats finding their footing in Finland.

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