Credit Card Finland: How To Apply As a Foreigner (2024)


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Credit cards in Finland are not merely tools for borrowing; they are integrated into the fabric of daily financial management, offering convenience, security, and sometimes, rewarding benefits.

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Credit Card Finland - from Sweeep Bank

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Credit Card from Sweeep Bank

The SweepBank credit card is a hit among savvy users who value efficiency and convenience in their financial tools.

With no monthly or annual fees, this virtual Mastercard offers a groundbreaking 60-day interest-free payment period, allowing you more flexibility and time to manage your finances without extra charges.

Ideal for both everyday purchases and online shopping, the card ensures security and global acceptance in over 30 million locations.

Additionally, it aligns with eco-friendly practices by reducing plastic waste, making it not just a smart financial choice but also a green one.


Max Credit


Interest-free credit

60 days

Annual Fee




Min. age

20 years

  • No payment remarks
  • Over 23 years
  • Has been registered in Sweden for the past 36 months

E.g. €1,500 credit, variable nominal interest rate 19.50% (reference interest rate according to the Interest Act 4.50% + 15.00% margin), effective annual interest rate 21.34%. Repayment in 12-month installments €138.59/month, share of expenses €163.12, total cost €1,663.12.

However, the process of obtaining a credit card, understanding the associated costs, and using it responsibly can present challenges, especially for those who are navigating these waters for the first time in Finland.

This guide aims to shed light on the essentials of using credit cards in Finland, offering clear and practical advice tailored to those who may not be familiar with the Finnish banking system.


  • Understand eligibility and application requirements for Finnish credit cards.
  • Choose a credit card type that aligns with your financial habits and needs.
  • A good credit score is essential for credit card approval and favorable terms.
  • Be aware of fees and charges to avoid unnecessary expenses.
  • Maximize benefits and rewards by selecting a card that suits your spending.
  • Responsible credit card use is crucial for maintaining financial health.
  • Implement security measures to protect against fraud and theft.
  • Familiarize yourself with online and international usage to enhance card benefits.
  • Utilize customer service and understand dispute resolution for efficient problem-solving.

Eligibility and Application Process

Meeting the Eligibility Criteria

Before diving into the world of credit cards in Finland, it’s essential to understand the eligibility requirements set by financial institutions. Typically, these criteria include:

  • Residency Status: Applicants often need to have a permanent address in Finland. Some banks might also consider applications from individuals with a temporary residence permit, depending on the permit’s duration and the applicant’s employment status.
  • Age Requirement: The minimum age for credit card applicants is usually 18 years. However, certain cards with higher credit limits may have higher age requirements.
  • Stable Income: Proof of a stable income is crucial. Banks and credit card issuers look for evidence that you can manage your repayments. This could include salary from employment, self-employment income, or regular income from other sources.
  • Good Credit History: A positive credit history in Finland or your home country can significantly impact your application. Finnish banks may check your credit score through Suomen Asiakastieto or another credit information company.

Steps to Apply for a Credit Card

Once you’ve determined you meet the eligibility criteria, the next step is to apply for a credit card. Here’s a general process to follow:

  1. Research and Compare: Start by researching different credit cards offered by Finnish banks and financial institutions. Compare their features, fees, interest rates, and rewards to find one that suits your needs.
  2. Gather Required Documents: Typically, you’ll need to provide identification (such as a passport or residence permit), proof of address in Finland, recent pay slips or tax returns as proof of income, and possibly a Finnish personal identity code.
  3. Application Submission: Applications can often be submitted online, in person at a bank branch, or over the phone. Choose the method that’s most convenient for you.
  4. Wait for Approval: After submitting your application, there will be a processing period during which the bank or credit card issuer assesses your creditworthiness. This may take from a few days to a few weeks.
  5. Receive and Activate Your Card: Upon approval, you’ll receive your credit card by mail. You’ll need to follow the issuer’s instructions to activate it, which often involves calling a customer service number or activating it online.

Tips for a Smooth Application Process

  • Ensure Accuracy: When filling out your application, make sure all the information is accurate and complete. Errors or omissions can delay the process or result in a denial.
  • Understand the Terms: Before applying, thoroughly review the terms and conditions of the credit card, including interest rates, fees, and repayment terms.
  • Consider a Secured Credit Card: If you’re new to Finland or have a limited credit history, a secured credit card might be an easier option to obtain. These cards require a security deposit but can help build or improve your credit score.

By carefully navigating the eligibility and application process, you can enhance your chances of getting a credit card that aligns with your financial needs in Finland, setting a foundation for responsible and beneficial credit card use.

Types of Credit Cards in Finland

credit cards in finland

Exploring Your Options

In Finland, as in many countries, the credit card market offers a variety of options to cater to different financial needs and spending habits. Understanding the types of credit cards available can help you make an informed choice that aligns with your lifestyle and financial goals. Here are some common categories:

Credit Card TypeDescriptionIdeal for
StandardGeneral use, basic featuresEveryday purchases
RewardsOffers points, miles, or cash backMaximizing spending benefits
PremiumHigh credit limits, exclusive perksHigh-income users seeking luxury benefits
StudentLower requirements, designed for studentsBuilding credit history early
SecuredRequires a deposit, helps build creditThose with limited or no credit history

Standard Credit Cards

General Use: These cards are versatile and accepted widely, both in Finland and internationally. They are suitable for everyday purchases, from groceries to online shopping.

Features: Standard credit cards often come with basic features such as a grace period for interest-free purchases if the balance is paid in full by the due date.

Rewards Credit Cards

Benefits: Rewards cards offer points, miles, or cash back on purchases. The specifics depend on the card issuer and the rewards program.

Choosing Wisely: If you travel frequently or have specific spending patterns, a rewards card can offer significant value. However, it’s important to weigh the benefits against any higher fees or interest rates.

Premium Credit Cards

Exclusive Perks: These cards come with higher credit limits and a range of premium benefits, such as travel insurance, airport lounge access, and concierge services.

Eligibility and Costs: Premium cards often require a higher income and a solid credit history. They may also have higher annual fees, making it crucial to ensure the benefits outweigh the costs.

Student Credit Cards

Designed for Students: These cards are tailored for students, often featuring lower credit limits and requirements that are easier to meet without a long credit history or high income.

Building Credit: They provide a valuable opportunity for students to start building their credit history in Finland.

Secured Credit Cards

Security Deposit Required: For those with limited or no credit history, or looking to rebuild credit, secured credit cards are an option. They require a deposit that typically equals the credit limit.

Transition to Standard Cards: Responsible use of a secured card can lead to the possibility of “graduating” to a standard credit card and getting the deposit back.

Making the Right Choice

When selecting a credit card, consider the following factors to guide your decision:

Spending Habits: Assess your spending patterns and where you could benefit most from rewards or cash back.

Interest Rates and Fees: Look beyond rewards and perks. Evaluate the card’s interest rates, annual fees, and other charges.

Credit Limit: Ensure the credit limit meets your needs, but avoid a limit so high it could encourage overspending.

Additional Benefits: Consider extra features such as insurance or travel benefits, especially if these align with your lifestyle.

Choosing the right credit card involves balancing the benefits and costs while considering your financial habits and needs. By carefully evaluating the types of credit cards available in Finland, you can select a card that supports your financial wellbeing and enhances your spending efficiency.

Related: Types of Loans in Finland

Understanding the Finnish Credit System

The Role of Credit History in Finland

In Finland, as in many countries, credit history plays a pivotal role in financial matters, influencing not only the ability to obtain credit cards but also loan terms, housing opportunities, and sometimes even employment prospects. Understanding how the Finnish credit system works can help you make informed decisions and maintain a healthy financial status.

Credit Score: A Financial Snapshot

Definition: A credit score is a numerical representation of your creditworthiness, based on your past financial behavior. It considers various factors, including payment history, debt levels, and the length of credit history.

Impact on Applications: Financial institutions use credit scores to assess the risk of lending. A higher score can lead to better interest rates and higher chances of approval for credit cards and loans.

Credit Reporting in Finland

Credit Bureaus: In Finland, credit information is managed by credit bureaus such as Suomen Asiakastieto. These agencies collect information on individuals’ credit activities, including loans, credit cards, and payment defaults.

Access to Your Credit Report: You have the right to obtain a copy of your credit report from these agencies. This can be beneficial to understand your credit status and correct any inaccuracies.

Tips for Maintaining a Good Credit Score

Maintaining a healthy credit score is crucial for financial flexibility and opportunities. Here are some strategies:

  • Timely Payments: Ensure all bills and credit card payments are made on time. Late payments can negatively affect your credit score.
  • Debt Management: Keep your debt levels manageable. High levels of debt compared to your income can lower your score.
  • Credit Utilization: Aim to use less than 30% of your available credit. High utilization can indicate financial stress and lower your score.
  • Limit New Credit Inquiries: Each time you apply for credit, it can temporarily lower your score. Apply for new credit sparingly and only when necessary.
  • Regularly Check Your Credit Report: Monitor your credit report for errors or fraudulent activity. Dispute any inaccuracies promptly.

Building Credit as a Foreigner in Finland

For foreigners, establishing credit in Finland can be challenging but not impossible. Here are some steps to build a positive credit history:

  • Start with a Bank Account: Opening a Finnish bank account and managing it responsibly is the first step toward building credit.
  • Apply for a Store or Secured Credit Card: These cards may have more lenient approval criteria and can help you start building credit.
  • Utility Bills in Your Name: Having utility bills in your name and paying them on time can also contribute to your credit history.

Fees and Charges

Navigating the Costs Associated with Credit Cards

When selecting and using a credit card in Finland, it’s crucial to be aware of the various fees and charges that can apply. These can affect the overall cost of having a credit card and impact your financial management. Here are some of the most common fees and how you can minimize them.

Annual Fees

  • Explanation: Many credit cards charge an annual fee for the benefits and services they provide. These fees can vary widely depending on the card type and benefits offered.
  • Minimizing Costs: Compare cards to find one with benefits that justify the annual fee. Some issuers may waive the fee for the first year or offer a reduced fee based on your spending or account balance.

Interest Charges

  • Accrual: Interest charges apply to balances carried beyond the grace period, typically 30 days after the billing cycle ends. The interest rate can significantly impact the cost of carrying a balance.
  • Avoidance: Paying your balance in full each month is the most effective way to avoid interest charges. If that’s not possible, consider a card with a lower interest rate or a promotional zero-interest period.

Foreign Transaction Fees

  • For International Use: These fees are charged on transactions made in a foreign currency, or that pass through a foreign bank. They typically range from 1% to 3% of the transaction amount.
  • Reduction Strategies: If you travel frequently or make many purchases in foreign currencies, look for a card that offers low or no foreign transaction fees.

Cash Advance Fees

  • When Withdrawing Cash: Using your credit card to withdraw cash at an ATM incurs cash advance fees, plus interest starts accruing immediately, without a grace period.
  • Limitation: Avoid using your credit card for cash advances except in emergencies due to the high costs involved.

Late Payment Fees

  • Consequence of Missed Payments: Late payments not only incur fees but can also negatively impact your credit score.
  • Prevention: Set up automatic payments or reminders to ensure you pay on time. Some issuers may offer grace periods or waive the first late payment fee.

Overlimit Fees

  • Exceeding Credit Limit: Some cards charge a fee if you go over your credit limit.
  • Monitoring: Keep track of your spending and consider setting up alerts with your bank to notify you as you approach your limit.

Understanding and Managing Your Card’s Fees

Properly managing your credit card involves more than just making payments on time. By understanding the fees associated with your card and employing strategies to minimize or avoid them, you can make your credit card work more efficiently for your financial situation. Always read the terms and conditions of your credit card agreement to be fully aware of all potential fees and charges.

Benefits and Rewards

Maximizing the Value of Your Credit Card

Credit cards in Finland, as elsewhere, offer more than just a convenient way to make purchases; they come with a variety of benefits and rewards designed to enhance the cardholder’s experience. Understanding these perks can help you choose a card that not only meets your financial needs but also rewards your spending habits.

Cash Back Rewards

How It Works: Cash back credit cards return a percentage of your spending back to you. The rate can vary by categories such as groceries, fuel, or dining out.

Optimization: To maximize cash back, use your card for all possible purchases in high-reward categories, but ensure to pay off the balance each month to avoid interest charges that could negate the rewards.

Points and Miles

Travel and Shopping: Cards may offer points or miles for each euro spent, redeemable for travel, gift cards, merchandise, or even experiences.

Strategic Use: Concentrate your spending on one or two cards to accumulate points or miles more quickly. Pay attention to bonus offers or category spending bonuses to earn rewards faster.

Travel Insurance and Assistance

Coverage Benefits: Many credit cards offer travel insurance that can include trip cancellation, luggage loss, and emergency medical coverage. Some also provide travel assistance services.

Understanding Limitations: Review the insurance terms to understand what’s covered and any exclusions. Ensure that the coverage levels meet your needs when traveling.

Extended Warranties and Purchase Protection

Additional Security: Credit cards often extend the manufacturer’s warranty on purchased items or offer protection against theft or damage for a short period after purchase.

Leveraging Benefits: Use your credit card for significant purchases like electronics or appliances to take advantage of these protections.

Concierge Services

Personal Assistance: Premium credit cards sometimes offer concierge services, assisting with travel bookings, restaurant reservations, and event tickets.

Utilization: Take advantage of these services to save time and enhance your travel or entertainment experiences.

Tips for Getting the Most Out of Your Credit Card

  • Read the Fine Print: Familiarize yourself with the specific benefits your credit card offers and any restrictions or conditions that apply.
  • Use as Primary Payment Method: To maximize rewards, use your credit card for daily spending while ensuring you can pay off the balance each month.
  • Stay Informed About Promotions: Sign up for newsletters or alerts from your credit card issuer to stay informed about temporary promotions or changes to reward programs.
  • Review Your Spending: Regularly review your spending and rewards earnings to ensure you’re getting the most value from your card. Consider switching cards if your spending habits or the card’s offerings change.

Managing Your Credit Card Responsibly

Essential Practices for Financial Health

Responsible credit card use is key to maintaining financial stability and leveraging the advantages of credit without falling into debt traps. Here are strategies to ensure you manage your credit card in a way that supports your financial well-being.

Pay Balances in Full and On Time

  • Avoiding Interest: Paying your credit card balance in full each month prevents interest charges, essentially allowing you to use the bank’s money for free during the grace period.
  • Credit Score Impact: Timely payments contribute positively to your credit score, reflecting responsible credit management.

Understand Your Credit Card Statement

  • Regular Review: Examine your credit card statement monthly to verify transactions, monitor spending, and keep an eye on the payment due date and total amount due.
  • Dispute Errors: If you notice any discrepancies or unauthorized charges, report them to your credit card issuer immediately.

Keep Credit Utilization Low

  • Utilization Ratio: Aim to keep your credit utilization—the percentage of your credit limit you’re using—below 30%. Low utilization positively affects your credit score and indicates good credit management.
  • Credit Limit Management: If you’re consistently nearing your limit, either reduce your spending or request a higher credit limit, provided you won’t be tempted to overspend.

Avoid Unnecessary Credit Cards

  • Selective Credit Applications: Only apply for and keep open credit cards that you truly need and that offer benefits aligned with your spending habits and financial goals.
  • Impact on Credit Score: Opening multiple credit accounts in a short period can negatively affect your credit score. Similarly, closing old accounts can shorten your credit history and impact your score.

Budget and Track Spending

  • Conscious Spending: Use a budget to guide your spending decisions and ensure you can always pay off your balance. Tracking spending can also help you identify areas where you can cut back.
  • Tools and Apps: Consider using budgeting tools or apps to categorize your spending and receive alerts when you’re approaching your budget limits.

Plan for Financial Emergencies

  • Emergency Fund: Aim to have an emergency fund that can cover 3-6 months of living expenses, reducing the need to rely on credit cards in a pinch.
  • Credit for Emergencies: Reserve part of your credit limit for unexpected expenses, ensuring you have access to funds when truly needed.

The Benefits of Diligent Management

Responsible credit card use can enhance your financial flexibility, provide valuable rewards, and contribute to a strong credit score. By adopting these best practices, you not only avoid common pitfalls like high-interest debt and negative credit impacts but also position yourself to take full advantage of the benefits credit cards offer. Remember, the goal is to use credit as a tool to support your financial goals, not to let it control your financial decisions.

Safety and Security

Protecting Your Financial Information

In today’s digital age, the safety and security of your credit card and personal financial information cannot be overstated. With the convenience of credit cards comes the responsibility to safeguard your details from fraud and theft. Here are critical measures to ensure your credit card remains secure.

Regularly Monitor Your Accounts

  • Stay Vigilant: Check your credit card statements and online banking regularly to spot any unauthorized transactions as early as possible.
  • Immediate Action: If you notice suspicious activity, contact your credit card issuer immediately to report it and potentially freeze your card.

Use Secure Methods for Online Transactions

  • Secure Connections: Always ensure you’re using a secure connection (look for “https” in the web address and a lock symbol) when entering credit card information online.
  • Trusted Merchants: Shop with reputable merchants and be wary of offers that seem too good to be true, as they often are.

Be Cautious with Public Wi-Fi

  • Risks of Public Networks: Public Wi-Fi networks are less secure, making it easier for cybercriminals to intercept your data. Avoid conducting financial transactions or accessing sensitive information on these networks.
  • Use a VPN: A Virtual Private Network (VPN) can provide a secure connection by encrypting your online activity, offering an added layer of protection.

Protect Your Personal Information

  • Phishing Scams: Be alert to phishing attempts via email, phone, or text messages trying to trick you into revealing your credit card information. Your bank will never ask for your full password or PIN.
  • Secure Personal Documents: Keep any physical documents containing your credit card or personal information in a safe place, and shred them before disposal.

Update Your Devices and Use Strong Passwords

  • Software Updates: Keep your computer, smartphone, and other devices updated with the latest security patches and antivirus software.
  • Password Strength: Use strong, unique passwords for your online banking and credit card accounts. Consider using a password manager to generate and store complex passwords.

What to Do If Your Credit Card Is Lost or Stolen

  • Immediate Reporting: Contact your credit card issuer as soon as you realize your card is lost or stolen. They will block your card and usually issue a replacement quickly.
  • Follow-Up Steps: Review your statements closely in the following weeks to ensure no unauthorized transactions were made before you reported the card missing.

The Importance of Being Proactive

Taking proactive steps to protect your credit card and personal information is essential in minimizing the risk of fraud and identity theft. By implementing these security measures and remaining vigilant, you can enjoy the benefits of your credit card with peace of mind, knowing your financial information is secure.

Online and International Usage

Embracing Global and Digital Payments

Credit cards in Finland are designed for convenience, enabling seamless transactions not just locally but also globally. Whether you’re shopping online from international retailers or traveling abroad, understanding how to use your credit card effectively can enhance your experience while ensuring security and cost-efficiency.

Making the Most of Online Purchases

Security Protocols: For online shopping, ensure the website uses secure transaction processes. Look for security certifications and use payment platforms that encrypt your data.

Currency Conversion: Be aware of the currency conversion rates and fees. Some credit cards offer competitive exchange rates and low or no foreign transaction fees, which can be beneficial for frequent international online purchases.

Traveling Abroad with Your Credit Card

Notify Your Bank: Before traveling, inform your bank of your destination and travel dates. This prevents your overseas transactions from being flagged as suspicious and potentially blocked.

Understanding Fees: Familiarize yourself with the foreign transaction fees associated with your credit card. Selecting a card with low or no foreign transaction fees can save you money.

Backup Payment Methods: Always have a backup payment method, such as another credit card or a debit card, in case your primary card is declined or lost.

Benefits of Using Credit Cards Internationally

Ease of Use: Credit cards are widely accepted around the world, offering a convenient and secure payment method without the need for carrying large amounts of cash.

Built-in Protections: Many credit cards come with travel-related benefits such as travel insurance, emergency assistance, and fraud protection, which can provide peace of mind while abroad.

Rewards and Perks: International transactions can also earn rewards, such as air miles or points, which can be redeemed for travel, accommodation, or other benefits.

Tips for Managing Your Card Online and Overseas

  • Use Secure Connections: When making online transactions or accessing your bank account from abroad, always use secure, private Wi-Fi connections or a VPN.
  • Regular Monitoring: Keep track of your spending and account activity through online banking or mobile apps to quickly detect any unauthorized transactions.
  • Understanding Chip-and-PIN: Familiarize yourself with the chip-and-PIN technology widely used in Europe, as it differs from the magnetic stripe and signature method.
  • Contact Information: Ensure you have the contact information for your bank easily accessible in case you need to report a lost card or suspicious activity while overseas.

Customer Service and Dispute Resolution

Navigating Issues with Support and Understanding

Effective customer service and a clear dispute resolution process are crucial for managing your credit card efficiently and confidently. Whether you encounter billing errors, unauthorized transactions, or other issues, knowing how to engage with your credit card issuer’s customer service can lead to swift and satisfactory resolutions.

Accessing Customer Service

Multiple Channels: Credit card issuers in Finland typically offer several ways to contact customer service, including phone, email, online chat, and sometimes mobile apps. Choose the method that is most convenient and effective for your situation.

Language Support: For non-Finnish speakers, verify in advance that customer service is available in English or other languages to ensure clear communication.

Reporting Unauthorized Transactions

Immediate Action: If you notice an unauthorized charge on your statement, report it to your credit card issuer as soon as possible. Quick reporting can limit your liability and expedite the dispute process.

Follow-Up: After reporting, you may need to fill out a form or provide additional information. Keep records of all communications and documentation related to the dispute.

Dispute Resolution Process

Understanding Your Rights: Familiarize yourself with your rights regarding billing disputes, which are often outlined in your credit card agreement. This includes the timeframe for disputing charges and the issuer’s obligation to investigate.

Resolution Timeline: Credit card issuers have a specific timeline to resolve disputes, usually within 60 days. Stay informed about the progress of your case and any temporary or permanent adjustments to your account.

Tips for Effective Communication

  • Be Prepared: Before contacting customer service, gather all relevant information, including your account details, the nature of your issue, and any evidence you have to support your case.
  • Stay Calm and Patient: Approach the conversation calmly and clearly. Customer service representatives are more likely to assist you effectively if you communicate respectfully.
  • Know When to Escalate: If your issue is not being resolved satisfactorily, ask to speak with a supervisor or manager who may have more authority to address your concerns.

Leveraging Customer Service for Your Benefit

Good customer service can transform a frustrating experience into a positive one. By understanding how to effectively utilize customer service and the dispute resolution process, you can protect your financial interests and ensure your credit card use remains a beneficial part of your financial toolkit. Remember, the goal is not only to resolve current issues but also to prevent future problems and maintain a healthy relationship with your credit card issuer.

ABOUT Frederik

Since 2013, Frederik has been living the expat dream, acquiring a deep understanding of what it means to adapt to life in a foreign country. His expertise is now a key feature of, where he offers guidance and support to expats finding their footing in Finland.

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