How to Open a Bank Account in Finland: A Step-by-Step Guide


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Having a local bank account is crucial for anyone living or planning to live in Finland. It simplifies daily transactions, such as paying bills, receiving a salary, and managing personal finances with ease. For foreigners, opening a bank account in Finland is the first step towards establishing financial stability in a new country.

This article guides you on how to open a bank account in Finland, outlining the requirements, types of accounts available, and steps to follow for a smooth experience. With the right preparation and understanding, setting up a bank account in Finland can be a straightforward process.


  • Legal residency and a Finnish personal identity code are prerequisites for opening a bank account in Finland.
  • Banks offer various account types, including current and savings accounts, catering to different financial needs.
  • Foreigners must provide specific documents, such as a valid passport and proof of address, to open a bank account.
  • Choosing the right bank involves considering language support and online banking options.
  • The account opening process can be initiated online or in-person, requiring submission of necessary documents.
  • After opening an account, customers receive a debit card and online banking access for account management.

How to Open a Bank Account in Finland: Eligibility Criteria

To open a bank account in Finland, foreigners must meet certain criteria set by Finnish banks. These requirements ensure a secure banking system and comply with international regulations.

First and foremost, individuals must have legal residency in Finland, evidenced by a valid residence permit for non-EU/EEA citizens or a registration certificate for EU/EEA nationals. Additionally, a Finnish personal identity code (henkilötunnus) is indispensable for banking and other administrative processes. This unique identifier is obtained upon registering your residence in Finland.

Lastly, applicants must be at least 18 years old, the legal age for independent financial transactions. Meeting these criteria is the initial step towards opening a bank account in Finland.

Types of Bank Accounts

In Finland, banks offer various types of accounts to cater to different financial needs. Understanding these options enables individuals to choose the account that best suits their requirements.

Current Accounts

Current accounts are designed for daily transactions, such as receiving salary payments, withdrawing cash, and paying bills. These accounts come with a debit card and offer online banking services for convenient management.

Savings Accounts

For those looking to save money and earn interest over time, savings accounts are an ideal choice. Interest rates vary among banks, making it beneficial to compare options.

Other specialized accounts may also be available, depending on the bank. These can include student accounts with lower fees and investment accounts for those interested in stocks or funds. Selecting the right type of bank account is crucial for efficient financial management while living in Finland.

Required Documents

Opening a bank account in Finland requires presenting a set of documents to verify your identity and residency status. These documents are essential for the bank to comply with legal regulations and to provide you with the appropriate banking services.

Document TypeEU/EEA CitizensNon-EU/EEA Citizens
IdentificationValid Passport or National ID CardValid Passport
Residency VerificationProof of Address in FinlandFinnish Residence Permit
Personal IdentityFinnish Personal Identity CodeFinnish Personal Identity Code
Employment or Study ProofEmployment Contract or Enrollment ProofEmployment Contract or Enrollment Proof

For EU/EEA Citizens

  • Valid Passport or National ID Card: Serves as proof of identity.
  • Proof of Address in Finland: This could be a utility bill, rental agreement, or any official document showing your Finnish address.
  • Finnish Personal Identity Code: A unique identifier necessary for all residents.
  • Proof of Employment or Study: If applicable, an employment contract or a letter from an educational institution confirming enrollment.

For Non-EU/EEA Citizens

  • Valid Passport: Required for all non-EU/EEA citizens as proof of identity.
  • Finnish Residence Permit: Verifies legal residency in Finland.
  • Proof of Address in Finland: Similar to EU/EEA citizens, showing your address in Finland.
  • Finnish Personal Identity Code: Essential for accessing various services and for identification.
  • Proof of Employment or Study: Necessary if the account opening is related to work or study purposes.

Gathering these documents before approaching a bank can significantly expedite the account opening process.

Choosing a Bank

Selecting the right bank is a crucial decision for managing your finances in Finland. The country hosts a variety of banking institutions, each offering distinct services, fees, and account types. Here are key factors to consider:

Services in English

Many banks in Finland provide customer service and banking documentation in English. This is particularly important for those who may not be fluent in Finnish or Swedish.

Digital Banking Capabilities

Online and mobile banking services allow for convenient account management from anywhere. Evaluate the digital services offered by each bank, including mobile apps, online payment systems, and digital customer support.

Bank Reputation and Reliability

Consider banks with a strong reputation for customer service and financial stability. Customer reviews and ratings can offer insights into a bank’s reliability and the quality of its services.

Fees and Charges

Banks may have different fee structures for account maintenance, transactions, and other services. Comparing these costs can help you find the most economical option for your banking needs.


Consider the location of bank branches and ATMs, especially if you prefer in-person banking. A bank with a wide network of branches and ATMs would offer greater convenience.

Taking the time to assess these factors can lead to a better banking experience in Finland, ensuring that your financial services align with your needs and lifestyle.

Steps to Open an Account

Opening a bank account in Finland involves a straightforward process. By following these steps, you can ensure a smooth experience.

Contact the Bank

Online Application: Many Finnish banks offer the option to start the account opening process online. This is a convenient way to submit your information and required documents digitally.

In-Person Visit: Some may prefer or need to visit a bank branch to open an account. It’s advisable to call ahead and schedule an appointment, ensuring a bank representative is available to assist you.

Submit Required Documents

Upon initiating the account opening process, either online or in-person, you’ll need to submit the documents outlined in the “Required Documents” section. Ensure all documents are current and accurately reflect your information.

Review and Understand Terms

Before finalizing the opening of your account, a bank representative will provide you with the terms and conditions associated with your new account. It’s crucial to review these carefully to understand the fees, interest rates, and any other pertinent details.

Finalize the Account Opening

After submitting your documents and agreeing to the terms, the bank will process your application. This may take a few days. Once approved, you will receive confirmation and information on how to access your account, including online banking credentials and a debit card, if applicable.

After Opening Your Account

Once your Finnish bank account is open, a few key steps remain to ensure you can fully utilize your new banking services.

Receiving Your Bank Cards

You will receive a debit card linked to your current account. This card is essential for daily transactions, ATM withdrawals, and online purchases.

Activation instructions accompany the card. Follow these to enable its use.

Learn more about credit cards in Finland here.

Securing Online Banking Access

Along with your debit card, you’ll receive credentials for online banking. This service allows you to manage your account remotely, pay bills, and monitor transactions.

Initial login procedures often involve setting up a secure password and possibly installing security software or mobile applications.

Mobile Banking Applications

Most Finnish banks offer mobile banking apps. Downloading your bank’s app can provide convenient account access, transaction capabilities, and financial tracking tools on your smartphone.

Account Maintenance Considerations

Familiarize yourself with any account fees, minimum balance requirements, and transaction limits to avoid unexpected charges.

Regularly review your account statements and transactions for accuracy and to monitor for unauthorized activity.

Special Considerations for Foreigners

Foreigners opening a bank account in Finland should be aware of specific considerations that may affect their banking experience.

Language Assistance Services

Many Finnish banks offer customer service in English, ensuring non-Finnish speakers can communicate effectively and understand banking services and terms.

It’s beneficial to inquire about language support services when choosing a bank, especially for those less familiar with Finnish or Swedish.

International Money Transfer Options and Fees

For expatriates or students, the ability to send and receive money internationally is crucial. Explore the bank’s offerings for international transfers, including associated fees and exchange rates.

Some banks provide specialized international accounts or services designed to reduce costs and facilitate easier transactions across borders.

Changing or Closing Your Bank Account

If your banking needs change or you plan to leave Finland, understanding the process for modifying or closing your account is important.

Banks have varying policies regarding account closure, especially concerning any notice periods and fees.

Tips for a Smooth Banking Experience in Finland

how to open a bank account in finland

To ensure a seamless banking experience in Finland, consider these practical tips.

Prepare Documents in Advance

Having all necessary documents ready before your bank visit or online application can significantly speed up the account opening process. Ensure your documents are up-to-date and accurately reflect your current status.

Utilize English-Speaking Customer Service

Leverage the English-speaking customer service options available at most Finnish banks. This ensures clear communication and helps in understanding the nuances of your banking services.

Familiarize Yourself with Finnish Banking Norms

Understanding Finnish banking practices, such as the widespread use of online banking and mobile payments, can enhance your banking experience. Adapting to these norms allows for smoother financial transactions.

Monitor Your Account Regularly

Regularly check your account statements and transaction history through online banking. This habit helps in managing your finances effectively and spotting any discrepancies early.

Be Aware of Fees and Charges

Pay attention to any fees associated with your account, including transaction fees, maintenance charges, and international transfer costs. This awareness can help you avoid unexpected expenses.

ABOUT Frederik

Since 2013, Frederik has been living the expat dream, acquiring a deep understanding of what it means to adapt to life in a foreign country. His expertise is now a key feature of, where he offers guidance and support to expats finding their footing in Finland.

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